Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Then, we are there to help you. Do you know what exactly wine is? Wine is the alcoholic beverage which is produced by fermenting the juice of grapes. The grape juice has a chemical balance by which even without adding acids, enzymes, sugars or any other nutrients, it ferments.

Do you want to know how wine is produced? Then let us go. The crushed grapes are fermented using yeasts which absorbs the sugar. This will lead to the conversion of the grape juice into the alcohol known by the name of wine.

Even though, wines can be produced from other fruits like berries and apples, they are known as elderberry wine and apple wine respectively. The generic name for such types of wine is country wine or fruit wine.

The wines made from materials containing starch like rice or barley are similar to spirit and beer. Those which are fortified with brandy is known by the name of ginger wine.

The history of wine can be traced back to 6000 BC when the fermenting of grapes used to take place in places like Iran and George. This is because these locations had the presence of natural European grapevines known as Vitis vinifera.

In 2003, the archaeologists had indicated that grapes together with rice were used for producing the fermented beverages in China around 7000 BC. But the oldest proof of wine being produced in Europe can be traced back to 4500 BC which comes from the archaeological remains from Greece.

In the medieval period, the usage of wine was strongly supported by the Roman Catholic Church in Europe. It was an essential part while the Mass was being celebrated. At the same time period, while the use of beer was not approved in Germany, consumption of wine was considered as a sign of Christianity and civility.

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